Paul Westlake
1999 Nordic IGEP (the International Group of International Publishers);Aschehoug & Co A/S, Norway; Liber AB, Sweden, Sanoma WSOY, Finland, Gyldendals Forlag, Denmark; Námsgagnastofnun, Iceland.
Author of The A-Files a language-learning CD-ROM for teenagers from 12 upwards.
‘The A-Files’ was awarded the New Media Prize at the 1999 Bologna Children's Book Fare in the foreign language category. It also won an 1999 EMMA Award (UK) in the category of Secondary Education and was a strong nominee for Europrix 2000.
The A-Files is used extensively in the Nordic countries and has also been sold to Germany, Italy and Holland.
1999 Sanoma WSOY (Finland) / Vidifon (Sweden)
Earths Children a language-learning CD-ROM for Finnish primary schools.
2000 Sanoma WSOY (Finland) / Vidifon (Sweden)
London Adventures - a language-learning CD-ROM for Finnish primary schools