Paul Westlake
Paul has given many workshops in Finland on "Teaching English Oral Skills"
for all levels of education as well as "Intercultural Awareness" and "How to teach intercultural skills." He has also presented papers and/or given workshops on intercultural themes at many seminars and congresses, including:
Sietar Europa 1994 – Jyväskylä, Finland "How not to make a pan-European TV series" (paper) and "Awareness Activities" (workshop)
Sietar Europa, 2001 – Stavanger, Norway "Crossing Cultural Division through Multilingual Multimedia" (paper)
Young Sietar, 2002 – Timisoara, Rumania "The Finnish cultural profile" (talk) and "How to introduce intercultural awareness" (workshop)
Young Sietar Holland, 2002 - Leiden, Holland "Training the trainer" (workshop)
Young Sietar, 2003 – Liptov, Slovakia "Multicultural Team-building" (workshop)
Sietar USA, 2003 – Austin, Texas, USA. "Icebreakers, bridges and energizers"